Thanks to the high quality of our concrete and our reliable service at the Wick St Lawrence project, the groundworks contractor asked if we could deliver ready mix concrete for a project at Bristol Airport.
As you can imagine, getting a lorry onto an airport runway involves a lengthy process and extensive paperwork. After submitting photos and completing various documents, we were granted airside clearance.
Upon arrival at the airport, the procedure is similar to going through security for a flight. We had to clear security, including having our passes checked, emptying our pockets, removing our boots and belts for X-ray, and going through a body scanner. Next, we met with the security team, who thoroughly searched the lorry for hidden compartments where contraband could be stored. Once cleared, we waited for our escort to guide us across the runway to the job site.
Once on site, the process was straightforward and no different from any other job. We offloaded 1.6m³ of C35 concrete with an S2 slump, followed by 2m³ of ST2 concrete with an S3 slump. Delivering two different strengths and slumps consecutively from the same lorry saved the on-site team time, reduced road miles, and minimized the carbon footprint. As always, there was no waste to handle.
After completing the delivery, the escort vehicle took us back to the gate, collected our passes, and we were on our way. Although this minimix concrete delivery took two hours due to the security procedures, the contractor was aware of the added time and had factored it into the project price.